Clean motion
ListSpotlight Stock Market
Market cap63,2 million SEK
Share price0,996 SEK at time of publication
Market Size$24,5 billion by 2023
IndustryElectric last mile delivery

ESGFIRE portfolio comment:

We are exited to learn that our portfolio company Clean Motion today, 27th of October, have started their delivery of EVIG vehicles to the highly prestigious NEOM project, more about that HERE:

As ESGFIRE commented in late september The order is part of the frame work agreement signed in may valued at initially €1,7 million EUR. ESGFIRE views this order as a crucial step for the Clean Motion in order to achieve profitability in the near future.

More about NEOM below:

NEOM, located in northwest Saudi Arabia, is an innovative and visionary infrastructure project built from scratch. The island of Sindalah, in the Red Sea, is set to be the first destination to welcome visitors in the beginning of 2024. Clean Motion’s comprehensive last-mile delivery system, which includes vehicles, trailers, and roll cages, will be responsible for streamlining logistics on the island.

The vehicles being dispatched have been specially tailored to meet NEOM’s distinct needs, now also incorporating waste management capabilities.

“Our ability to innovate and deliver in a dynamic environment like NEOM showcases our company’s strengths,” says Christoffer Sveder, Commercial Director at Clean Motion. “It affirms we’re on the right trajectory with our new solar-powered platform and vehicle EVIG.”


We remain positive of our portfolio position in Clean Motion.



ESGFIRE is an investment company and research firm that focuses on ESG companies with either an environmentally friendly service or product. ESGFIRE has a performance record of over 1000 % returns since 2018.

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Group CEO: Filip Erhardt

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