Company: Environmental waste international
Ticker: $EWS
Listing :TSXV
MCAP: 47 M$
Business: Tyre and waste recycling through reverse polymerization
TAM Market size: 158 billion $
Comparable peer : Scandinavian Enviro systems $SES
Upside to peer evaluation: 429 %
Stock price at time of writing: 0.24 CAD

Upcoming catalysts:
-EWS is currently working on a number of plant sales with both public and private entities in Canada, Australia, the UK, Nepal, India, Denmark and Italy. The Company is also evaluating a number of potential partners in China. ( see sources below)
-Improved investment relations strategy

Environmental Waste International (EWI)has developed a patented ground breaking recycling technology for the latest 15 years which is now about to become commercially viable. I have written about this company before on my twitter page but I wanted to give a brief introduction to the company here for you fellow blog readers.

EWS develops environmentally friendly products for waste treatment and disposal. Its predominant focus is on recycling waste rubber, primarily tires, into valuable by-products which can be sold and reused.The Company has built a full-scale Pilot Plant Tire System.


The system breaks the molecular bonds in tires and other rubber products, reducing them to their base components of carbon black, steel and hydrocarbon vapors. An off- gas system processes the vapors to recover the oil, the remaining gas is used as fuel for the plant .Governments and industries worldwide recognize the need for technology to deal with the processing, treatment and eventual disposal or recycling of tires and other waste rubber products in a environmentally safe manner. EWS provides unique and effective solutions this problem. EWS business model is to both sell plants and earn royalty on the commodities that these plants produce . This will make way for a very good mix of both one off sales and reoccurring revenue streams .


In addition to tires, EWS has designed solutions for the safe disposal, recycling and/or recapture of useable byproducts for the following waste streams:
•Liquid Biological Waste Systems;
•Food Waste
•Medical Waste
•Animal Waste


EWS has a ridiculously low market cap for a company which already has an order of 100 million dollars . EWS has crossed the barrier towards becoming commercially viable and the risk is considerably lower than for its competitor $SES$SES does not have any real revenues yet. I beleive this is a REAL ESG investment which mutual funds and other institutional actors will race to become shareholders in once the market cap becomes big enough which we believe is only a matter of time . Hence I’ve made EWS our TOP 3 BIGGEST investment along with Cielo waste solutions.

EWS has recently won an order worth 100 million USD from Windspace in Denmark which will build the first large commercial plant for EWS in europe. EWS is on the verge of commercialization breakthrough but this has yet to be reflected in the stock price . When comparing with $SES Scandinavian enviro systems my insight is that there could be a 400 % upside from current levels.

The EWI customer Windspace has already gained environmental permits and financing for its first factory in Denmark with construction beginning in 2021 . This news has yet to be acknowledged by the stock market. Windspace has also invested in EWS as a shareholder . Windspace has even said in a podcast that they chose EWS technology over Scandinavian enviro systems because the technology is BETTER. Windspace were originally going to partner with Scandinavian enviro systems!

Tire recycling plants using EWS’ technology do not require tipping fees, carbon credits or other government support to generate a compelling ROI which makes it standout from its competitors.


Markets sub Categories
90 billion- Liquid waste
50 billion USD -Food and animal waste,
9.5 billion USD- Tires
9 billion USD – Medical waste

This is an introductional post. Further detailed analysis will be done coming up. I wanted to share this NOW with you readers since the technical chart looks like the EWS stock might be poised for a breakout. As always do your own research and this is not to be considered financial advice.


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