Captico2 ESGFIRE investor update

Company : Captico2 Sector: Carbon capture and storage Website: About: Carbon capture storage unique in their ability to mineralize and turn Co2 into a commercial product IPO time table: 12-18 months on Euronext merkur Norway or SPAC via Nasdaq US Peers: Aker Carbon Capture,Bergen Carbon capture, Co2 Capsol As reported on January 4th ESGFIRE decided to

By |2023-08-09T14:40:06+01:00maj 17th, 2022|Categories: All Posts, Captico2, Reports / News / Interviews|Kommentarer inaktiverade för Captico2 ESGFIRE investor update

Exclusive pre IPO opportunity for ESGFIRE subscribers in carbon capture

Company name: Captico2 Sector: Carbon capture and storage Website: About: Carbon capture storage unique in their ability to mineralize and turn Co2 into a commercial product IPO time table: 8-12 months on Euronext merkur Norway or SPAC at Nasdaq US ESGFIRE has decided to invest 10 % of our portfolio into the PRE IPO of Captico2 .

By |2022-01-25T09:41:55+01:00januari 4th, 2022|Categories: All Posts, Captico2, Reports / News / Interviews|Kommentarer inaktiverade för Exclusive pre IPO opportunity for ESGFIRE subscribers in carbon capture
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