Company: Absolicon
Ticker: $ABSL
LIST: Spotlight Sweden
MCAP: $39 MUSD at time of publication
Share price: 135 SEK = 18,45 USD at time of publication
Industry: solar thermal heating/ district heating
Market size: $223 billion$ by 2026
ESG comment: Absolicon has today (9/11) announced a new framework agreement with the Canadian company Phoenix Solar Thermal. The Framework agreement is estimated to be worth between 4,7-6 MUSD and with potential annual licensing fees estimated at 600 000 USD. The agreement may, when full production is utilized, also lead to product sales of 3-4 MUSD annually since some materials will need to be purchased from Absolicon. We do not estimate that these revenues will materialize now or even in the coming quarters as the customer in Canada most likely will need to build up their client list. Still this is a strong sign that the company is moving in the right direction. Absolicon technology have, as we have previously stated, the potential to replace 50 % of the worlds heat consumption in the parts of the world where their technology can gain as much sunlight as needed. We do however think that what is needed to really see the share price move is that one of the now existing 13-15 framework agreements is turned into an actual purchase.
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