Company: Gomero Group
Ticker: GOMERO
List: Spotlight Stock Market
Market cap: 52 million SEK
Share price: 14,72 SEK at time of publication
ESGFIRE average price: 15 SEK
Market Size: $24,5 billion by 2023
Industry: Electric grid infrastructure protection & Surveillance

ESGFIRE comment:

Gomero group 2022 full year  turnover came in at 40,3 MSEK versus our expectations of 38 MSEK.
2022 full year EBIT came in at 3.77 MSEK which was in line with our expectations.

The company beat our estimates on sales and EBIT was in line with our expectations. Pinpoint estimates were extremely high and quite unrealistic for this quarter

CEO of Gomero group  commented on the report , the folliwing is our own summary:
Gomero sees an increased demand for their products / services and increase in the projects of refurbishment / rebuilding of power stations. Increased demand in Germany and restarted activities in the Nordic’s / Australia after Covid. To meet demand new people have been hired for sales and marketing . Good potential to act on increased demand thanks to this.

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