ESGFIRE is an investment company and research firm which provides a free stock coverage service run by financially free individuals that combines the passion for financial freedom (FIRE – Financial Independence Retire Early ) through the investment vehicle of ESG stocks meaning clean tech and environmentally friendly companies. We started our portfolio in 2018 and have since had total returns of over 1100 %. Our passion is to educate investors on how to invest more sustainably and with an ESG focus and to show how it’s possible to reach financial independence faster than by using a dividend strategy.

We regularly keep our readers updated on our portfolio companies,IPO’s for ESG companies, climate news, FIRE concepts and the general market sentiment through our free newsletter service and on our different social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok and Discord. Our handle on all social media platforms is ESGFIRE. Our newsletter subscribers always get information first so do not forget to subscribe..

We take great pride in the fact that we invest personally into ALL of our portfolio companies and they all have to go through the same rigorous selection process. This means that when our portfolio does well, our readers who follow us do well

In order to be able to provide our readers with all of our free content without any annoying or disturbing commercials and without any subscription fees some of our portfolio companies are paying clients and they ,just like the rest,have to go through the same selection process as all other portfolio companies .We only bring companies into the ESGFIRE portfolio that we want to own stocks in ourselves and since we invest in all of the portfolio companies this is a guarantee for our readers that we are very scrutinizing in our selection.

We highly value our independence and we never let the fact that some portfolio companies are clients get in the way of giving our honest opinion on the progress of any portfolio company. Our readers can trust that we always give our opinion on our portfolio companies even though it may be negative and/or critical.

In collaborations with

Fundamentals of ESG

We have a unique way of picking our portfolio companies and they need to meet almost all of our criteria described below in order to qualify for the ESGFIRE portfolio selection:

– Environmentally friendly business idea

– Unique product offering or service with strong IP and/or patent portfolio.

– Either in the revenues stage or at an inflection point where revenues are about to begin to start coming in.

– Solid management.

– Sustainable production methods.

– Investor friendly management team.

– Recurring revenues.

– Solid path to profitability.

We want to highlight and point out that we are not financial advisors. Investing in stocks is always associated with certain risks and it is possible to lose your entire investment. Our posts are made for Educational purposes only and are not to be interpreted as tips , financial advice or recommendations of any kind to either buy or sell any stocks.

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