Originally published on 2/7 2024

ESGFIRE returns since 2018: + 1000 %

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Portfolio top picks for June 2024
Clean Motion

Market  comment for June

June 2024 was marked by notable market volatility. European small caps saw continued growth, driven by robust economic data and investor confidence in the region’s recovery. In contrast, North American small caps experienced mixed performance due to fluctuating economic indicators and volatility in commodity prices, particularly oil and metals. The renewable energy sector continued its upward trajectory, bolstered by strong governmental policies and increasing corporate commitments to sustainability. Emerging markets displayed resilience, benefiting from technological advancements and increased foreign investments.



Current ESGFIRE portfolio 

Clean Motion

  • Performance YTD: +130%
  • Announced the opening of a new assembly plant in Germany, enhancing production capacity for its solar-powered vehicle, EVIG.

    ESGFIRE comment:
    Clean Motion had a turbulent month in June where we first saw the stock price surge to 3.3 SEK only to later retrace a bit towards 2 SEK.
    ESGFIRE was completely surprised by the announcement the EVX mobility purchase however we were equally relieved when we saw the boards decision not to progress further with the deal. ESGFIRE was also surprised to see CEO Sofia Haby and board members Joel & Emma Rozada resign their positions however it’s quite obvious there’s been a power struggle behind the scenes. ESGFIRE is within shortly looking forward to hearing more on the order outlook from the company’s newly appointed CEO Ulf Rask. ESGFIRE sees no reason to reevaluate our positive long term outlook for Clean Motion however the risk of a minor capital raise remains present due to the massive interest for Clean Motion’s flagship product EVIG. ESGFIRE however does not view a capital raise as something negative on our long term outlook as we’ve already included an anticipated share issue of 10 million shares in our latest analysis which can be found HERE: https://esgfire.com/en/all-posts/clean-motion-a-hidden-gem-in-the-electric-vehicle-market/

Replenish Nutrients

  • Performance YTD: -20%
  • Secured new contracts for soil health products, projecting a 30% revenue increase for Q3.

Landi Renzo

  • Performance YTD: -25%
  • Launched a new line of hydrogen fuel systems, anticipating strong market adoption.

IPO Outlook


Still anticipated to go public by end of 2024 or beginning of 2025. Business outlook is strong with new partnerships.


Evanesce Packaging Solutions

On track for a Q4 2024 IPO, expected to list on Canadian exchanges or NASDAQ.

Ola Media

Finalizing a capital round with plans to go public in Q4 2024, promising substantial returns.


Still in restructuring phase.


 June was a dynamic month for the ESGFIRE portfolio, with strategic advancements and market positioning that underline our commitment to sustainable investments. We continue to leverage our expertise to identify and support high-potential ESG companies.

The portfolio remains  100 % invested at this point. 

About us:
ESGFIRE is a Swedish investment company and research firm that focuses on companies with either an environmentally friendly service or product. ESGFIRE has a performance record of over 1000 % returns since 2018. By only investing in environmentally friendly companies, ESGFIRE have outperformed the major indexes for several years. We have a track record of over 1100 % returns since 2018 using our own proven method of identifying high potential ESG companies.


Legal Disclaimer

The stock price development above was calculated by taking the opening price at the first day of the month and the closing price at the last day of the month.

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