Company: Landi Renzo
Listings: Milan Exchange & Frankfurt Exchange
Ticker: LR.MI & ARQ.F
Market cap at time of publication: € 116 MEUR
Stock price at time of publication: € 0.536
Analyst target Price: € 0.98 EUR
Business: RNG/Hydrogen mobility & OEM producer


ESGFIRE Comment: We are extremely pleased to see a new multimillion dollar prestige contract for Landi Renzo in the renewable natural gas (RNG) sector. Landi Renzo will together with SoCalGas convert 200 new Ford F-250 service pickup trucks to join the utilities fleet to run on renewable natural gas (RNG). The reduced emissions from this conversion equals  removing 1,800 passenger vehicles from California roads for one year.

Full press release of this press release can be found HERE

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