Temporary portfolio reallocation

Company: Enzymatica Ticker: $ENZY List: First north sweden Business: Cold medication preventive Due to a cold shower press release from enzymatica today I have decided to temporarily sell some of my position. Management concludes that the COVID effect has temporarily drastically decreased the cold market in Europe and guidance has been lowered for 2021. New

By |2022-01-25T09:57:50+01:00March 22nd, 2021|Categories: All Posts, Portfolio|Comments Off on Temporary portfolio reallocation

Weekly ESG portfolio update

ESG PORTFOLIO UPDATE Performance last week : 2021-03-08– 2021-03-14 ESGFIREAT40 Portfolio: +25,76 %  Dow Jones: +4,1 % Nasdaq +3,09 % OMXSPI:+ 3,12 % Performance YTD: ESGFIREAT40 Portfolio: +171 %  Dow Jones: +7,1% Nasdaq: +3,35% OMSXPI: +12,47 % Top performers: Environmental Waste Internation $YEWTF / $EWS + 26 % Grande West Transportation $BUS/$BUSXF + 24 % Cielo Waste

By |2022-01-25T09:58:25+01:00March 15th, 2021|Categories: All Posts, Portfolio|Comments Off on Weekly ESG portfolio update

My thoughts on the market turbulence

So why are the markets falling? The federal reserve bank in USA controls short interest rates but the market controls among other the 10 year yield . Anticipated growth and inflation has pushed 10 year yield higher meanwhile it’s closed the gap to the yield on stocks on the big USA indexes causing selling pressure.

By |2022-01-25T09:58:50+01:00March 5th, 2021|Categories: All Posts, Portfolio, Vicinity Motor Corp|Comments Off on My thoughts on the market turbulence

Extreme weekly portfolio update

ESG PORTFOLIO UPDATE Performance last week : 2021-02-22 – 2021-02-28 ESGFIREAT40 Portfolio: +52 %  Dow Jones: -1,8 % Nasdaq -5 % Performance YTD: ESGFIREAT40 Portfolio: +111 %  Dow Jones: +2,36% Dow Jones: +1% Top performers: Cielo Waste Solutions $CMC.CN / $CWSFF + 252 % Blue Bird Corp $BLBD + 17 % Underachievers: Grande West Transportation $BUS / $BUSXF

By |2022-01-25T09:59:05+01:00February 28th, 2021|Categories: All Posts, Portfolio|Comments Off on Extreme weekly portfolio update

ESG coverage update

I have previously owned shares in the Swedish cleantech company Climeon. Climeon produces heat power systems, converting waste heat and geothermal heat into clean electricity. I will not be doing a longer post about this company since I do not currently hold any position however since they provided an update today I wanted to give

By |2022-01-25T09:59:18+01:00February 24th, 2021|Categories: All Posts, Portfolio, Vicinity Motor Corp|Comments Off on ESG coverage update

Portfolio introduction 21-02-23

Hard lessons in the past have thaught me to diversy my risks. In my portfolio summary below you will perhaps be surprised by the big size of my biggest position however don’t let this fool you because when the position was initiated it constitued less than 10 % of the portfolio. Below you will find

By |2022-01-25T09:59:26+01:00February 23rd, 2021|Categories: All Posts, Portfolio|Comments Off on Portfolio introduction 21-02-23

An introduction to my blog

My posts are about ESG investing and how you can use this powerfull megatrend to your advantage and being able to achieve FIRE: Financially independent and Retire Early! Even if your goal is not to become financially independent my hope is that you will come to learn what a powerfull financial opportunity it is to

By |2022-01-25T09:59:31+01:00February 19th, 2021|Categories: All Posts, Portfolio|Comments Off on An introduction to my blog
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