Company: Gomero Group
Ticker: GOMERO
List: Spotlight Stock Market
Market cap: 36.1million SEK
Share price: 9.15 SEK at time of publication
Industry: Electric grid infrastructure protection & Surveillance

ESGFIRE comment:

Gomero has underperformed from day 1 in the ESGFIRE portfolio. Our investment thesis was that the company would have an annual growth of 20-40 % however the actual growth of Gomero Group has until Q3 of 2023 only been slightly positive. There has been many excuses from management on the reasons for the missing growth and perhaps in time the company will deliver great numbers. However our patience has (for now) run out and we have therfore terminated our entire position in Gomero group. We may choose to reinitiate our position if  Gomero Group actually are able to deliver good growth numbers.



ESGFIRE is an investment company and research firm that focuses on ESG companies with either an environmentally friendly service or product. ESGFIRE has a performance record of over 1000 % returns since 2018.



Contact details
Group CEO: Filip Erhardt

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