Originally published on 10/1 2024

ESGFIRE returns since 2018: + 1000 %
ESGFIRE returns  2023: – 10 %

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About us:
ESGFIRE is a Swedish investment company and research firm that focuses on companies with either an environmentally friendly service or product. ESGFIRE has a performance record of over 1000 % returns since 2018. By only investing in environmentally friendly companies, ESGFIRE have outperformed the major indexes for several years. We have a track record of over 1100 % returns since 2018 using our own proven method of identifying high potential ESG companies.



Main Portfolio top picks for 2024
Clean Motion

Year end comment for 2023 and outlook for 2024.

As we’ve , very self-critically, pointed out ESGFIRE made a huge understatement on how big of an impact rate hikes would have on the portfolio. Seeing as rates atleast for the time being do not appear to be going any higher and most actually expect rates to come down significantly in 2024 we think markets soon can go back to focusing on company fundamentals instead of stocks being put under pressure and funds being moved into bonds at first sight of any additional hikes due to higher  interest rates.

At the moment we also see a bullish signal in the CNN fear and greed index where the current sentiment points at greed. 

In our opinion 2024 should prove to be a turning point for stocks and especially for ESG stocks in general .

The portfolio remains  100 % invested at this point. 


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The stock price development above was calculated by taking the opening price at the first day of the month and the closing price at the last day of the month.

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