Company: Gomero Group Ticker: GOMERO List: Spotlight Stock Market Market cap: 60 million SEK / 5,8 million USD Share price: 15 SEK at
Portfolio report January 2023 with ESGFIRE comments
Originally published on February 1st, 2023 ESGFIRE returns since 2018: + 1100 % ESGFIRE returns year to date 2023 +: 19 % NASDAQ
Company: Compleo Charging Solutions Ticker: $COM List: XETRA, Frankfurt Market cap: € 48MEUR at time of publication Share price: € 7,10 at time
Biofrigas enters the German market for Liquid Biogas
Company: Biofrigas Listings: Spotlight Stock Market Ticker: BIOF Market cap at time of publication: 43 million SEK / $4.16 Million USD Stock price
Compleo Charging Solutions AG: Compleo starts investor process
Company: Compleo Charging Solutions Ticker: $COM List: XETRA, Frankfurt Market cap: € 28 MEUR at time of publication Share price: € 5,25 at
Dead upon arrival – take your profits and RUN!
Company: Arrival Listings :NASDAQ Ticker: ARVL Market cap at time of publication: $287 MUSD Stock price at time of publication: $ 0,415 Business:
Vicinity Motor Corp. receives US$30 Million in credit to Finance VMC 1200 EV Truck Production in 2023
Company: Vicinity Motor Corp Listings :TSXV , NASDAQ Ticker: VMC.V & VEV Market cap at time of publication: $58 MCAD Stock price at time of
It’s time to say goodbye…
It's time to say goodbye to 2022 and we want to take the opportunity to wish all of our dear followers, clients and
Compleo reports Insolvency, does the story end here?
Company: Compleo Charging Solutions Ticker: $COM List: XETRA, Frankfurt Market cap: € 6 MEUR at time of publication Share price: € 1.12 at
Delayed portfolio report November 2022 with ESGFIRE comments
Originally published on December 13th , 2022 ESGFIRE returns since 2018: + 1100 % ESGFIRE returns year to date 2022: -15 % NASDAQ returns
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