New framework agreement for Absolicon worth potentially 5-6 MUSD

Company: Absolicon Ticker: $ABSL LIST: Spotlight Sweden MCAP: $39 MUSD at time of publication Share price: 135 SEK = 18,45 USD at time of publication Industry: solar thermal heating/ district heating Market size: $223 billion$ by 2026   ESG comment: Absolicon has today (9/11) announced a new framework agreement with the Canadian company Phoenix Solar Thermal.

By |2022-02-07T13:43:02+01:00November 9th, 2021|Categories: Absolicon, All Posts, Reports / News / Interviews|Comments Off on New framework agreement for Absolicon worth potentially 5-6 MUSD

Absolicon strikes deal with Carlsberg one of the biggest breweries in the world

Company: Absolicon Ticker: $ABSL LIST: Spotlight Sweden MCAP: $45 MUSD at time of publication Share price: 159 SEK = 18,45 USD at time of publication Industry: solar thermal heating/ district heating Market size: $223 billion$ by 2026 One of our largest holdings previously covered by us in a detailed analysis is Absolicon solar collector. The initial analysis

By |2022-02-07T13:38:51+01:00July 12th, 2021|Categories: Absolicon, All Posts, Reports / News / Interviews|Comments Off on Absolicon strikes deal with Carlsberg one of the biggest breweries in the world

Introduction to

Company: Absolicon Ticker: $ABSL LIST: Spotlight Sweden MCAP: $33 MUSD at time of publication Share price: 136 SEK = 16 USD at time of publication Industry: solar thermal heating/ district heating Market size: $223 billion$ by 2026 Bullside Target: 400 SEK[1] [1] A crucial fact often neglected by investors and decision makers  globally is that

By |2022-02-07T13:43:33+01:00March 12th, 2021|Categories: Absolicon, All Posts, Business Analysis|Comments Off on Introduction to
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